Somebody, Anybody o Nobody?

L'esercizio presuppone la conoscenza degli argomenti trattati in questa pagina
Osserva in particolare la tabella in fondo alla pagina, con i pronomi e gli avverbi composti con some, any, no.

Con un clic sul bottone, scegli tra , oppure .
  1. / / knows the troubles I’ve seen…

  2. Does / / know the solution to this problem?

  3. / / loves me: I wonder who…

  4. We need / / to help us with the website.

  5. I don’t like to see / / when I’m too tired.

  6. He’s a man of no importance, a real / / .

  7. / / should be able to tell us the way.

  8. / / should smoke near a pregnant woman

  9. There wasn’t / / in the shop – not even the assistant.

  10. Tea, / / ?

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