About: una concordanza

    Raccogliamo gli esempi che contengono about, suddivisi in base alla categoria grammaticale:

    (sull’uso delle raccolte di esempi: )

    Complemento di argomento:

    They got talking about it.

    That was the day when John - well, no, let's forget about this .

    Never did he tell us about his troubles before.

    You should go to the concert and forget about it.

    She told me about her intention to travel.

    We were afraid she might forget about it.

    We talked about the weather.

    I'm worried about my exam: I'll be glad to get it over.

    He made up a long story about his reasons for not doing his part of the job.

    Can we talk about this over lunch?

    I've sent him a fax to inform him about the accident.

    She was green with envy when she heard about her friends' success.

    Make it a rule not to make a fuss about such trifles.

    Which book are you talking about?

    The book I was telling you about is out of print.

    Grandfather would tell us about his travels.

    I've forgotten all about it.

    Nel senso di “circa”:

    He's about twenty.

    It takes about eleven hours.

    It's about 24,000 Lire, everything included (all in).

    A woman of about thirty.

    There's a service station in the village, the next is about thirty miles away.

    It's about £100.

    In to be about “stare per”:

    They're about to join that firm.

    He was about to tell me.

    Nel senso di “attorno, in giro”:

    He looked about him.

    She likes getting about on her bicycle.

    Who set that rumour about?

    Con What per formulare proposte:

    What about going for a walk?

    In alcuni verbi frasali:

    It came about that we travelled together.