Quando? Dove? Come? Perché? (2)

Nel menu a tendina scegli la wh- word appropriata.

1. “

are they going to Naples?”  “By train.”

2. “

much does this book cost? ” “22 euros.”

3. “

do they play soccer matches?” “On Saturday afternoons.”

4. “

are they angry?” “I don’t know. They’re always angry!”

5. “

far is the park from here?” “About half a mile.”

6. “

are you going to leave?” “As soon as I can.”

7. “

do they play basketball matches?” “In the new Arena.”

8. “

are they leaving for Florence?” “Tomorrow morning.”

9. “

important is English to you?” “It’s essential for my job.”

10. “

many mistakes have you made?” “None, I hope!”

11. “

are the Grampians?” “In Scotland.”

12. “

do you find hippopotamuses?” “It depends on where you leave them!”

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