Quando? Dove? Come? Perché?

Nel menu a tendina scegli la wh- word appropriata..

1. “

is the milk?” “In the fridge.”

2. “

old is Angie?” “She’s 24.”

3. “

did you go to Mexico City?” “In 2012.”

4. “

is Grandma in bed?” “She isn’t well.”

5. “

many TV sets have you got?” “Two.”

6. “

is Maureen today?” “She’s better, thanks!”

7. “

don’t you go for a walk?” “It’s too hot outside.”

8. “

do the Ayalas live?” “In Bolivia.”

9. “

is Roby now?” “At school.”

10. “

is the taxi coming?” “In three minutes.”

Traduzione delle frasi corrette