La forma passiva

Volgi le frasi alla forma passiva. Se il soggetto è generico (they, someone ecc.) ometti il complemento d’agente nella frase passiva. Usa il tuo notepad, cartaceo o virtuale, poi controlla la risposta con un clic sul segno di spunta .

    a) Tempo presente – ti serviranno gli ausiliari am is are.

    1. Anne-Marie loves me.

    2. Biologists study human cells.

    3. A lorry carries heavy goods.

    4. Somebody wants you on the phone.

    5. They call the study of the weather “meteorology”.

    6. This restaurant serves pizza every day.

    7. They make these computers in Taiwan.

b) Tempo passato – ti serviranno gli ausiliari was were.

  1. The insurance company sent a letter to all its customers.

  2. Celine bought this horrible vase.

  3. Mr Sweeney saw two strangers in the garden last night.

  4. Everybody understood her words.

  5. The police caught some dangerous criminals.

  6. Mrs Sweeney drove the car all the time.

  7. Jasmine opened the window.

Se qualche frase non ti è chiara, trovi tutte le traduzioni .