Esercizio 6 sulle frasi interrogative

    Per eseguire questo tipo di esercizio, Sweeney ti chiede di usare il tuo quaderno (elettronico o cartaceo, come preferisci). Quando hai scritto la tua risposta, puoi confrontarla con quella esatta con un click sul segno di spunta

    Volgi le frasi alla forma interrogativa usando l'ausiliare do, does oppure did .


  • David watches TV a lot. Does David watch TV a lot? ("David guarda molto la TV./?")

  • The Campbells visited a castle in Scotland. Did the Campbells visit a castle in Scotland? ("I Campbell visitarono un castello in Scozia./?")

  1. Your sister always comes on holiday with you.

  2. Your sisters always come on holiday with you.

  3. Your sister came on holiday with you last July.

  4. Rachel and Ronald danced all night.

  5. This bottle of wine cost a lot.

  6. This bottle of wine costs a lot.

  1. Cory always has breakfast at 8.

  2. They saw Valerie near the school.

  3. Airplanes make a lot of noise.

  4. He took excellent photos of the Grand Canyon.

  5. She read the magazine in the evening.

  6. She reads the magazine in the evening.

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