Pronomi e avverbi indefiniti in -ever

Nel menu a tendina scegli la forma in -ever da inserire nello spazio.

1. He is a total fool. _____ he says, don't mind him.

2. _____ told you that you can see the sea from here, was wrong.

3. We are at home all day today. Come to see us _____ you like.

4. _____ hard he tried, he wasn't able to unlock the door.

5. "Near, far, _____ you are, I believe that my heart does go on".

6. _____ happens, my darling, I'll be at your side.

7. Take bus 47 or 47A, _____ comes first.

8. _____ you may go in the world, you'll find that a Neapolitan has been there before you.

9. You can pass this information on to _____ may be interested.

10. The weather isn't very good; _____, I'm going for a walk.