Esercizio sul grado comparativo e superlativo degli aggettivi

    Non usare lettere maiuscole e lascia un solo spazio tra le parole.
    Verifica la risposta con un clic sul bottone numerato sulla destra.

    Part one – Comparative forms : completa con la forma richiesta dell’aggettivo in rosso.

    Esempio: The Adige is long but the Po is ... [ longer ].

    The Pirellone is tall but the new skyscrapers are...


    Gianluca is young but little Roby is...


    The suburban trains are frequent but the underground trains are...


    Maria is very generous but Rita is even...


    The Rocky Mountains are beautiful but the Dolomites are...


    Lions are dangerous but tigers are...


    Vanessa is fat but Serena is...


    Vegetables are healthy but fresh fruit is...


    Part two – Superlative forms: completa con la forma richiesta dell'aggettivo tra parentesi. Non dimenticare l'articolo!

    The Po is (long) _______ [the longest] river in Italy.

    The new skyscrapers are (tall)

    buildings in Milan.

    Little Roby is (young)

    person of our family.

    Metro trains are (frequent)

    of all.

    Rita is (generous)

    social worker I know.

    The Dolomites are (beautiful)

    mountains in the world.

    Tigers are (dangerous)

    animals in a circus.

    Serena is (fat)

    person I know.

    Fresh fruit is (healthy)
