Ogni parola o gruppo di parole tra due asterischi *…* va sostituito con un il pronome personale corrispondente. Esempio: *the book* IT.
La risposta va scritta in TUTTE MAIUSCOLE (BLOCK CAPITALS) nella casella corrispondente. Con un clic sul bottone numerato si verifica se la risposta è giusta.

  • *Tom and Mary* [1] often write to *their uncle*[2].

  • I am meeting *Jane and Robert*[3] tonight.

  • *My wife and I*[4] like *these biscuits*[5].

  • *Peter*[6] sent *these biscuits*[7] to *my wife and me*[8].

  • *Jane*[9] is very fond of *Tom*[10].

  • Yes, and *Tom*[11] is very fond of *Jane*[12].

  • *My brother and I*[13] are going for a walk with *our aunt*[14].

  • *That silver watch*[15] belonged to *my father*[16].

  • *Grandfather*[17] gave it to *father*[18] on his twenty-first birthday.

  • *The students*[19] are doing *this exercise*[20] well.

  • *People*[21] say that *Mr Smith*[22] is very well off.

  • *Miss Brown*[23] plays *the piano*[24] beautifully.

  • *The house*[25] belongs to *my brother and me*[26].

  • *Mrs Jones*[27] made *a cake*[28] for *the children*[29].

  • *The children*[30] enjoyed *the cake*[31] very much.

  • *The two men*[32] talked about *their old friends*[33] for hours.

  • *Mother*[34] always tells *the children*[35] a story at bedtime.