Il plurale dei nomi

Scrivi nelle caselle le parole da inserire nei corrispondenti spazi numerati. Sono i plurali dei nomi singolari evidenziati in verde. Alcuni di questi plurali sono irregolari.

Usare TUTTE MAIUSCOLE (CAPS LOCK) per dare le risposte e premere sul bottone numerato per verificare se la risposta è giusta.

    There is a gentleman at the door.
    There are two __1__ at the door.

    There is a lady in the shop.
    There are two __2__ in the shop.

    There is a child in the playroom.
    There are two __3__ in the playroom.

    There is a woman in the kitchen.
    There are two __4__ in the kitchen.

    There is a knife on the table.
    There are two __5__ on the table.

    There is a potato on the plate.
    There are two __6__ on the plate.

    There is a goose in the yard.
    There are two __7__ in the yard.

    There is a glass near the bottle.
    There are two __8__ near the bottle.

    There is a mouse in the cellar.
    There are two __9__ in the cellar.

    There is a church in the village.
    There are two __10__ in the village.

    There is a bus in the street.
    There are two __11__ in the street.

    There is a shelf in the library.
    There are two __12__ in the library.