Il genere dei nomi

Scrivi nelle caselle le parole da inserire nei corrispondenti spazi numerati. Sono i corrispondenti femminili delle parole maschili evidenziate in verde. Alcuni di questi femminili sono irregolari.

Usa TUTTE MAIUSCOLE (CAPS LOCK) per dare le risposte e premi sul bottone numerato per verificare se la risposta è giusta.

    1. There is a gentleman at the door.
    There is a __1__ at the door.

    2. My brother is tall; he is a student at the university.
    My __2__ is tall;__3__ is a __4__ at the university.

    3. That man is a steward.
    That __5__ is a __6__.

    4. Chuck's father is a policeman.
    Chuck's __7_ is a __8__.

    5. Mr Douglas is my husband.
    __9__ Douglas is my __10__.

    6. He loves his nephews and grandsons.
    __11__ loves __12__ __13__ and __14__.

    7. He is the Websters' son; he is a nice boy.
    __15__ is the Websters' __16__; __17__ is a nice __18__.

    8. Our uncle lives in California.
    Our __19__ lives in California.