Concordanza di THAT

    Raccogliamo gli esempi che contengono that, suddivisi in base alla categoria grammaticale:

    Clicca sul bottone per saperne di più sulle raccolte di esempi o

    Aggettivo dimostrativo:

    seguito immediatamente dal nome:

    Anybody may join that club.

    Can you jump over that wall?

    Don't forget to post that letter!

    He read a lot that week.

    He was writing a letter that evening.

    He wrote a letter that evening.

    Here's the book that was bought from that bookshop. (il secondo that è agg. dimostrativo)

    How old is that baby?

    I remember that matter very well.

    If I were you, I wouldn't buy that blouse.

    I'm too tired to go to the cinema; besides, I've already seen that film.

    In the long run, she'll realise that colour doesn't suit her.

    Put that vase down gently, or else it'll break into pieces.

    She has worked / been working with that firm since 1975.

    She lived in that house for five years.

    She regrets not having met you on that occasion.

    Somebody shut that window.

    That book cost 20 euros.

    That booklet gives a number of typing dos and don'ts.

    That boy is ten years old.

    That cake is nice and big.

    That case is too heavy for me to carry.

    That clock is ten minutes slow.

    That cloth is two yards wide.

    That coat isn't big enough for you to wear.

    That dictionary is superior to this one.

    That door is open.

    That door is opened every day.

    That fluid might blow up.

    That girl is very ill.

    That girl is very pleasant.

    That liquid gives off a bad smell.

    That painting is after Hogarth, not by him.

    That tyre is worn smooth.

    The (= that) Englishman did not say a word.

    The (= that) music was wonderful.

    The (= that) tiger was sleeping in its cage.

    The blue of that car.

    The book had been bought in that bookshop.

    The new airport will take up a lot of that arable land.

    The only house (being) white-washed in that street is theirs.

    There is an old clock in that shop, isn't there?

    There isn't a pretty girl in that office, is there?

    There were lots of mice in that barn.

    They paid £14 for that book.

    They're about to join that firm.

    We need some petrol: pull in at that filling station.

    We've never been along that coast.

    Who set that rumour about?

    Who's that gentleman?

    Who's that lady?

    Who's that man standing by the window?

    Who's that young lady?

    Why are you using that penknife for a screwdriver?

    You may order the books from that bookshop.

    that è seguito da un aggettivo prima del nome:

    Why don't you get rid of that old car?

    Why did they cut down that beautiful ash-tree?

    Who put that big box on my desk?

    That poor woman was in tears; in all likelihood, her husband is in trouble again.

    That poor little girl was crying.

    That smashed lamp-post must be the work of some careless driver.

    può essere preceduto da all:

    All that snow made the roof fall in.

    Pronome dimostrativo:

    Corrisponde spesso al nostro “ciò”, con riferimento a qualcosa di già detto o desumibile dal contesto:

    Abroad they wouldn't do that.

    Did you read that in a newspaper or in a book?

    Fancy doing all that alone!

    He had further reasons for doing that.

    I didn't do that on my own initiative, but on my boss's orders.

    I didn't do that on purpose: on the contrary, I tried to avoid it.

    I know that.

    I said that in fun.

    I'd hate to do that.

    In spite of that, she was offended.

    It isn't at all clear what he means by that.

    No one need be surprised at that.

    Once he understands that, he won't accept our proposal.

    She need do that only under special circumstances.

    Suppose someone was / were asking you that now, what would you answer?

    That means walking for hours.

    That’s a very good boy!

    That’s all for today.

    That’s all that has happened so far. (il secondo that è un pronome relativo)

    That’s all that you can do. (il secondo that è un pronome relativo)

    That’s an opportunity he shouldn't miss.

    That’s better.

    That’s due to her goodwill.

    That’s how it happened.

    That’s the most we can do.

    That’s what I've told you over and over again.

    That’s where my pens were.

    That’s why he left so suddenly.

    That will have been Jane Thomson.

    When that was finished, they rested a little.

    Who told you that?

    In qualche caso  è un vero e proprio dimostrativo e indica qualcosa lontano da chi parla:

    How much does that come to?

    How much is that in Canadian dollars?

    That’s the largest room in the flat.

    That’s a fast car to ride in.

    That was the furthest he could go.

    A volte la distanza è nel tempo, non nello spazio:

    That was the day when John - well, no, let's forget about this…

    That was the last of Sheridan's works.

    That was the last time we saw them in Italy.

    Un gruppo a sé è rappresentato da like that “così, in quel modo”:

    She found it rather unfair of him to behave like that.

    I couldn't do a thing like that for my life.

    If I were to do something like that, I would feel terribly uneasy afterwards.

    If you keep on behaving like that, you'll get into trouble!

    You are not to answer back like that.

    You mustn't answer back like that!

    Just think, going away like that!


    La congiunzione that introduce:

    proposizioni soggettive:

    It came about that we travelled together.

    It is advisable that they should rest a few more days.

    It was arranged that she should leave at once.

    It was necessary that they should stop.

    It's better that he should know the whole truth.

    The latest (news, thing) is that they are going to run for election.

    proposizioni oggettive:

    Andrew has just said that that book has always been there on his desk.

    Bob is saying that he can't speak French.

    George has just said that he and his wife would not like to live in a small town.

    He announced that the government would be concentrating upon making the country self-sufficient.

    He ordered that they should go on without stopping.

    I believe that you're right.

    I expect that he'll get up later.

    I hope that they are all well.

    I know that he will agree some day.

    I suppose that he's well as usual.

    I'm afraid that poor old woman is done for.

    Jane is saying that she never drinks wine.

    John is saying that his sister is doing her best.

    Last night Allan said that he had no Italian books then.

    Last week she said that her friend was leaving that day.

    Mrs Smith said that in Britain children do not go to school on Saturdays.

    Noticing that the weather had improved, they walked on through the fields.

    On entering the room, I saw that the Chinese vase had been broken.

    One must understand that there are orders to be carried out.

    Quite by accident, I learnt that Mr. Hill had retired.

    She insisted that we should go and see them.

    She said that she wouldn't go with them.

    She said that her brother had come to Italy the previous year.

    She thought that he was in Europe.

    The Browns are saying that they have been to Italy.

    The committee has insisted that the present decision be maintained.

    The committee suggests that the proposal should be voted.

    The doctor agreed that Mrs Kelly should leave the hospital in the afternoon.

    She's left her parents saying that she wants to stand on her own two feet.

    The jury were unable to reach a verdict, because some of them were convinced that she was innocent.

    They believed that he wasn't dead.

    They suggested that he should pay in advance.

    They suspected that he was a liar.

    They think that men drivers are even worse than women drivers.

    We know that he likes you.

    We think that he is late.

    We've decided that John is to go and fetch her in the car.

    You cannot but agree that he is right.

    In tutte le proposizioni di questo tipo that può essere sottinteso.

    proposizioni che esprimono scopo (“finali”):

    Come nearer so that she can / may see you better.

    He asked for a microphone, so that everybody in the audience could hear him well.

    Stay a little longer in order that John may see you too.

    They wrote in advance so that I could arrange everything for their arrival.

    proposizioni che esprimono conseguenza (“consecutive”):

    He ran so fast that he's out of breath now.

    He was so shocked that he gaped at the scene and stood motionless.

    The emotion was such that he broke down and wept.

    They were so nasty that nobody could stand them.

    The lane was so narrow that our car could hardly get by.

    They looked so odd that everybody stared at them.

    altri casi:

    Now that he's here, he'll tell us what happened.

    She's all right, except that she's awfully tired.

    They can stay, provided that they don't cause any trouble.

    Pronome relativo:

    Casi in cui that è soggetto della proposizione relativa:

    They are the kindest people that ever came here.

    The little that was bought was enough.

    I had a dog that got sick in the car.

    There's not much that can be done.

    The peoples and the monuments that can still be seen in those countries are of great interest.

    This is the last animal that will come into our house.

    Here's the book that was bought from that bookshop. (il primo that è pronome relativo)

    The boy that came here in the afternoon is my friend George.

    They are the most interesting monuments that can be seen in Africa.

    That’s all that has happened so far. (il secondo that è un pronome relativo)

    An owl is a bird that sleeps by day and flies by night.

    Quando è soggetto, that non può mai essere sottinteso. Talora può essere omesso insieme all'ausiliare be, come nei casi seguenti:

    Haven't you got anything (that is) bigger?

    The people (that / who are) standing in the hall are waiting for you.

    The cats (that / which are) mewing in the garden are Mrs Swan's.

    The problem (that is) to be investigated is a difficult one.

    Casi in cui that è complemento oggetto della proposizione relativa:

    That’s all that you can do. (il secondo that è un pronome relativo)

    Did you take down all that the lecturer said?

    Quando è oggetto, that può essere sottinteso.

    Casi in cui that è oggetto di una preposizione posta in fondo alla frase relativa:

    The people that we were talking to are businessmen.

    The book that /which I was telling you about is out of print.

    Quando è oggetto di preposizione, that può essere sottinteso.


    You can't go that far.

    It isn't all that hot.