Mutamenti di strutture (passando dal discorso diretto all’indiretto) e domande indirette

    Il mutamento di strutture avviene solitamente quando si riferisce il contenuto di una domanda:

    What are you doing?

    I’ve just asked you what you are doing.

    What’s your name?” he asked me.

    He wanted to know what my name was.

    Are you joking?”

    They asked if I was joking.

    La domanda indiretta ha la costruzione delle frasi affermative: you are doing, my name was, I was joking, senza inversione tra ausiliare e soggetto.

    Se il verbo che introduce la domanda diretta è say, questo va sostituito da verbi come; ask, ask if/whether, want to know, ecc.; il corrispondente interrogativo di “pensare”, think, è “chiedersi, domandarsi” wonder:

    He said: "When did she write last?"

    He asked when she had written last.

    Lewis’s mother thought: “Why is he so restless?”

    Lewis’s mother wondered why he was so restless.

    Vi sono casi più complessi in cui intervengono anche mutamenti di tempi o di ausiliari, come in questi esempi:

    Sheila: "Shall I go there with Mary?"

    Sheila asked if she should go there with Mary.

    Shall I open the door? (richiesta)

    She inquired if she should open the door.

    Shall I ever forget her? (futuro)

    He wondered if he would ever forget her.

    Have you seen him anywhere?

    He asked me whether I had seen him anywhere.

    Do you know who is coming?

    They asked if I knew who was coming.

    Did you see who killed them?

    She asked if I saw who had killed them.

    Did you wonder why we didn’t come?

    They asked if we’d wondered why they hadn’t come.

    Do you like this? Yes.

    He asked me if I liked it, and I said I did.

    Oh dear! I’ve spoiled my new dress.

    She exclaimed she had spoiled her new dress.