to reject it you're perfectly entitled to. It's	solely	— well — your individual opinion
h drugs) and continual sexual activity. Sex can be	solely	a Child-Child activity inasmuch as the sexual
remembered. Man's ignorance of his fellows is not	solely	a matter of absence of information. It is a
produce. But what I do believe is that this is not	solely	a matter of money! Insecurity of status, or
on an aesthetic point of view to those who saw it	solely	as a theological problem, with those who in
r pursuing an acquisition policy which treats art	solely	as the logical development of an au
whether computer power had grown we would not look	solely	at any one of these factors but rather alle
script-writer. An experiment is never a failure	solely	because it fails to achieve predicted results
himself. The single party does not become dominant	solely	because of its supremacy in disposing of the
it a very good thing to have a nanny… Simply and	solely	because I think it's the mother to be the g
that this budget was not necessary. It was done	solely	because the political opponents and the In
mine. If enthusiasm for CASPA were to be measured	solely	by military contributions to it, Botswana w
s, though it would not necessarily be carried out	solely	by in-place theatre forces. It was unlikely
of them practised by women and at least five run	solely	by them. While the troubadours sang and the
onstitutional optimism that wealth can be created	solely	by human endeavour. Let us do a little map-
y large proportion of elderly people are disabled	solely	by lack of such things as well-fitting teeth
f felt and more and more people made their living	solely	by performing calculations and compiling nu
cult to get round the big timetables and I'm not	solely	daft.  Another question and this is a
et and hoping, usually forlornly, for enjoyment	solely	during their leisure time. In industry, aga
olongation of despair. The NOT OK position is not	solely	expressed in the response. It also can be f
she could not cope; later she claimed that it was	solely	fear of what would happen when she took her
selves while they are working, instead of working	solely	for their pay packet and hoping, usually fo
several of the latter existing, on glossy paper,	solely	for this purpose, and their slightest word
rneys' Admission course meant that I was destined	solely	for the Side-Bar, without the options Mr S
a Scherzo, "and said that it ought to be reserved	solely	for people in that profession." "So what?"
ase of a group being stripped of its civil rights	solely	for reasons of race and national ancestry.
to New Delhi that American weapons were intended	solely	for use against Communist aggressors and th
Neither can be sure exactly who he is, judging	solely	from his appearance. It is only when he beg
house should have no advantage, making its income	solely	from the entrance fee or subscription it ch
s at the Hayward Gallery on July 17. It is drawn	solely	from the holdings of the newly founded, but
etism. "Charismatic" appeal then, does not derive	solely	from some mysterious, inexplicable quality
ny people will insist on discussing these matters	solely	in terms of optimism and pessimism, taking
e whole territorial mechanism, once believed to be	solely	in aid of retaining enough land to provide
that mankind's round-the-clock sexuality evolved	solely	in order to establish individual and lifelo
in the classic liberal model, combine with others	solely	in the furtherance of his individual intere
tribution to the struggle for liberation, resided	solely	in aesthetic form. "The truth of art," Marc
the founder of the hotel had been immediately and	solely	influenced by the chance fantasy of the sec
r, galoshes. Finally he left his nephew a legacy	solely	of unworn underwear. Lytton's grandfather,
e seventies had become a flood. Compelled to rely	solely	on her own manpower for her defence South A
its decision supporting the relatives' complaint	solely	on the 1975 act. It is this act that the S
tion based on advance warning, instead of relying	solely	on systems of cure. It is for this that we
deal of a whole sex. Nor is this change dependent	solely	on a conscious wish for change. Evolution h
ot Expressionism in a blinkered way; he commented	solely	on what Gorki would have called "the mechan
e intense as time goes on. In fact, if he relied	solely	on the money which came to the university
ng. But much of the improvements possible depend	solely	on the driver who sometimes needs to have
ration officials do not seek to justify arms aid	solely	or even primarily in terms of the threat p
rom disease, which is no business of the law, but	solely	so that the judge could be satisfied whethe
se unselfishness is a socially useful virtue, but	solely	that we may provide a clear channel through
could enjoy life more if their children were not	solely	their responsibility. Writing in Shrew maga
e following pages are based. This has been done	solely	to try to maintain clarity in the narrative
and is a non-statutory organisation which exists	solely	to support the 700 autonomous bureaux. Volu
built it up out of the unwanted mud. It belongs	solely	to us and we are still independent. The sow
liffe's delirious mental state in the last months	solely	to bacterial (or ulcerative) endocarditis—
ha political system <P 146> should not be limited	solely	to reforms within the Government machine. T
he had made these false declarations "simply and	solely	to save the reputation of Pepita, and at he
on key aspects of movements, none of which relies	solely	upon one type of appeal. They are thus mode
w we agree that the blame for this situation lies	solely	with the government of the day,' he says. –
an men. Do they suppose that responsibility rests	solely	with those who give them their orders! They
successive governments - are concerned virtually	solely	with undergraduate teaching. the pressure i