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It is always possible to use proverbs and idioms ironically or with a meaning that is different from the standard one, the one that was originally intended; the speakers of a language can bend even fixed expressions to meet their communicative purposes. For example, There's safety in numbers means that a danger is not so great if there are many people who face it together; but it is not uncommon to hear it used ironically to refer to those men who think that marriage is a danger, to be kept under control by having several girl-friends, not just one.

The analysis of the other idioms follows the same lines as for the proverbs; besides, the correspondences between English and Italian reveal the presence of "stock metaphors", so ‘frozen' or ‘crystallised' that they are no longer felt as metaphors, but still they cannot be taken literally: for example, In the twinkling of an eye ‘In un batter d'occhio' for "immediately, in a very short time".

Here, too, it is important to spot correspondences that are only partial (like Elbow grease ‘Olio di gomito') and differences (like a flea in one's ear ‘una pulce nell'orecchio'). As to the form, notice the very high frequency of to-infinitives, of the indefinite pronoun one and of its derivatives (one's, oneself).


A bag of bones

A bird's eye view

A blackleg

A blue-eyed boy

A bolt from the blue

A bone of contention

A brain-wave

A brass hat

A chip off the old block

A cock-and-bull story

A cuckoo in the nest

A dog's life

A dress-rehearsal for...

A good hand

A grass widower

A hair's breadth

A handful

A handyman

A hard nut to crack

A head wind

A headline

A hen-pecked husband

A high-brow

A light-fingered person

A little bird told me

A live wire

A low-brow

A man about town

A mouthful

A nail in one's coffin

A nice eyeful

A plank in his platform

A rose between two thorns

A round table

A rule of thumb

A scatter-brained person

A shot in the dark

A sight for sore eyes

A skeleton in the cupboard

A skin-flint

A snake in the grass

A spot of shut-eye

A square peg in a round hole

A thorn in one's flesh/side

A thumb-nail sketch

A tower of strength

A wet blanket

A wild-goose chase

A wolf in sheep's clothing

Achilles' heel / The heel of Achilles

All hands on deck!

All hell breaks loose

All his fingers are thumbs

All my eye (and Betty Martin)

An earmark

An eye-opener

An eyesore

An old hand

An underhand way of doing something

Armed to the teeth

As the crow flies

At daggers drawn

At the cross-roads

At the end of one's tether

Better the devil you know than the devil you don't

Between the devil and the deep blue sea

Block-headed; a block-head

Born in the purple

Born with a silver spoon in his mouth

Can you beat it?

Can't see further than his nose

Cannot say off-hand


Cheek / Cheeky

Cheek by jowl

Come hell or high water

Cupboard love

Cut and dried

Cut-throat competition

Do you want jam on it?

Don't rush your fences

Don't wash your dirty linen in public

Double-faced / two-faced

Down at the heel

Down in the mouth

Dressed up like a dog's dinner

Ears burning

Eaten up/Consumed with jealousy/pride/ curiosity



Eye-wash; all eye-wash

Follow your nose

Fond of the limelight

Fork out!

From top to toe

Get down to the brass tacks

God hardened Pharaoh's heart

Going downhill

Green-eyed / Green with envy

Hair-raising adventures



Hard-headed / Soft-headed

Hasn't a leg to stand on

Have a heart!

He can talk the hind legs off a donkey

He didn't miss a trick

He hasn't a bean

He is full of/has plenty of animal spirits

He is good at heart

He will never set the Thames on fire

He wouldn't hurt a fly

He's cock of the walk

He's got bats in the belfry

He's got bees in his bonnet

He's got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning

He's not green

He's too big for his boots

Head over heels in debt/love



Heart-to-heart talk

His hair stood on end

His heart was in his boots

His words stuck in my throat

Hold your horses!

Hold your tongue


How does Jones come into the picture?

I hadn't the heart to punish him

I have a bone in my leg

I have hardly a rag to my back

I wouldn't touch it with a barge-pole

I'll eat my hat if...

I'm all ears

I've got him by the short hairs

In hand / Out of hand

In one's heart of hearts

In one's shirt-sleeves

In queer street

In someone's good/bad books

In the lap of luxury

In the lap of the gods

In the teeth of the wind/storm/evidence etc.

In the twinkling of an eye

It boils down to...

It doesn't matter (I don't care) a brass farthing

It goes against the grain

It is time for a show-down

It makes my blood boil

It turned out that...

It turned out well/badly

It was blowing great guns

It's a case of sour grapes

It's a toss-up whether...

It's not cricket

It's staring you in the face

Just up someone's street

Keep it under your hat

Keep your eyes open/skinned

Keep your hair on

Kicking one's heels

Let him stew in his own juice

Let someone have his head

Life is not all a bed of roses

Light at the end of the tunnel

Long in the tooth

Look out for squalls

Looking as if butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth

Made of money/Rolling in money

Mary kept all these things in her heart


Mind your own business!

Money for jam

More than flesh and blood can stand

Much water has flowed under the bridges since then

Muttons dressed as lambs

My blood froze (ran cold) in my veins

My blood was up

My foot!

My heart bleeds for you

My heart came into my mouth

Nearly jump out of one's skin

Neck or nothing

None of your lip!

Not all beer and skittles

Not bat an eyelid

Not feel up to the mark

Not let the grass grow under one's feet

Not open one's mouth

Not out of the top drawer

Not out of the wood yet

Not put a foot wrong

Not raise/lift/stir a finger to help another

Not to mince matter

Not turn a hair

Not want to rock the boat

Nothing but skin and bone

Off the beaten track

Off-hand in one's manner

On one's back

On one's feet again

On one's last legs

On the carpet/mat

On the shelf

On the war-path

On the water wagon

Only a flash in the pan

Open-handed / Close-fisted


Over/above one's head


Pushing up daisies

Put a sock in it!

Raining cats and dogs

Ready at the drop of a hat

Riding for a fall

Running neck and neck

Saw the light

She set her cap at him

She wears the breeches


Shut your mouth!

Stage fright


Take time by the forelock

Talking through one's hat

Teething troubles

Tell it to the horse-Marines

That beats the band!

That rings a bell

That takes the cake!

That's a game at which two can play

The answer's a lemon

The bird has flown

The black sheep of the family

The boat turned turtle

The cards are against us

The corner-stone of a policy

The dice are loaded against us

The die is cast

The fat's in the fire

The fly in the ointment

The game is not worth the candle

The game is up!

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence

The hall-mark

The head boy

The heart of the matter

The long arm of coincidence

The primrose path

The question floored him

The question stumped me/I was stumped for an answer

The stage can now be set for...

The tail wags the dog

The team spirit

The thin end of a wedge

There are no flies on him

There are other fish in the sea

There is a rift in the lute

There is another side to the picture

There'll be hell to pay

There's enough blue sky to make a pair of sailor's breeches

There's no room to swing a cat

They had no heart for the fight

Thick-skinned / Thin-skinned

Tied to his mother's apron strings

Till the birds come home

Time hangs heavily on their hands

To a hair

To act as a damper on enthusiasm/desire...

To add fuel to the flames

To aim high

To appear on the scene

To ask for a girl's hand

To axe somebody/expenditures

To back the wrong horse

To back-pedal

To backfire

To badger a person

To bank on something happening/on someone

To bark up the wrong tree

To battle one's way

To be a pawn in another's game

To be at a loose end

To be at home in a situation

To be biased in favour of/against a person/opinion

To be careful of one's skin

To be carried out feet foremost

To be caught red-handed

To be fed up

To be hand-in-glove with one another

To be hedged in

To be in a (flat) spin

To be in another person's shoes

To be in the red

To be in the same boat

To be in the soup

To be left holding the baby

To be on pins and needles/on tenterhooks

To be on/to cross the threshold

To be out of one's depth

To be touched in the head

To be unable to see the wood for the trees

To be up/rise with the lark

To bear fruit

To beat about the bush

To beat swords into ploughshares

To bite the hand that feeds one

To blow a person up/To give him a good blowing-up

To blow hot and cold

To blow one's brains out

To blow one's own trumpet

To bolster up

To bombard with questions

To bone something

To break fresh ground

To break the ice

To bring a person to his knees

To bring a person's faults home to him

To bring back/home the bacon

To bring grist to the mill

To bring to heel

To brood over something

To browbeat

To build a new Jerusalem

To build castles in Spain/the air

To burn one's boats

To burn one's fingers

To burn the candle at both ends

To burn the midnight oil

To bury the hatchet

To button-hole a person

To call a person's bluff

To call/drag/haul someone over the coals

To cap it all

To cap one story with another

To carry/take coals to Newcastle

To cash in on a situation

To cast pearls before swine

To cast something in a person's teeth

To catch a person out

To change hands

To cherish a serpent/snake/viper in one's bosom

To chin-wag /A chinwag

To climb on someone's bandwagon

To climb to the top of a greasy pole

To cloak one's intentions

To coin a phrase

To coin money

To collar

To collar a person

To come down to earth

To come in handy

To come into the limelight

To come out on top

To come to a head

To come to grips with a problem/situation

To come to hand

To come up to the mark

To cook accounts/the books

To cook someone's goose

To crop up

To cross/measure swords with someone

To cross/pass the Rubicon

To crow over something/somebody

To cry one's heart out

To cost a pretty penny

To cut a long story short

To cut a strange/an impressive... figure

To cut it fine

To cut no ice

To cut one another's throat

To cut one's own throat

To cut one's wisdom teeth

To cut the ground from under a person's feet

To deserve/gain credit

To destroy root and branch

To die in harness

To discount some of what you hear

To do someone in the eye

To do something off one's own bat

To do something with one's eyes open

To do something/go somewhere under one's own steam

To do the donkey work

To draw a bow at a venture

To draw a red herring across the path/track/ trail

To draw blank

To draw someone out of his shell

To draw the long-bow

To dress a person down / To give him a dressing down

To drink like a fish

To drop a brick

To drop the pilot

To earmark

To earn one's bread and butter

To earn/turn an honest penny

To eat humble pie

To eat one's heart out

To eat out of another's hand

To egg someone on

To explode a belief/theory/idea

To explore every avenue

To face (up to)

To face the music

To fall between two stools

To fall head over heels in love

To fall on one's feet

To fall/run foul of someone

To feather one's own nest

To feel fighting fit

To feel like a fish out of water

To ferret out information

To fiddle about

To fight tooth and nail

To find a scapegoat

To find one's feet

To find/lose one's bearings

To flog a dead horse

To fly in the face of rules/regulations

To fly off the handle

To gain ground

To get down to business

To get hot under the collar

To get in/come in on the bottom floor

To get it in the neck

To get no change out of/from someone

To get off on the wrong foot

To get one's back up

To get one's sea-legs

To get one's shirt out

To get one's teeth into

To get somebody's goat

To get the plums

To get to the top of the tree

To get up/pick up steam

To get/have the upper hand over another

To give a person a free hand

To give a person a leg-up

To give a person carte blanche

To give hostages to fortune

To give someone enough/plenty of rope

To give someone hell

To give someone the boot

To give someone the cold shoulder / to cold-shoulder a person

To give someone/something a wide berth

To give the sack Û To get the sack

To gladden one's heart

To go (be sent) away with a flea in one's ear

To go by the board

To go cap-in-hand to a person

To go crabwise

To go down the drain

To go haywire

To go in at one ear and out of the other

To go off one's head

To go round the bend

To go the whole hog

To go to earth

To go to the dogs

To go underground

To go/sail through deep waters

To hammer out a plan/an agreement...

To hand in one's chips

To hand it to someone on a plate

To hand someone a bouquet

To handle a matter

To handle with kid gloves

To hang on with/by one's eyelids

To hang upon someone's lips

To harp on the same subject

To have a bone to pick with someone

To have a card/trick up one's sleeve

To have a chip on one's shoulder

To have a finger in the pie

To have a good head on one's shoulders

To have a hand in the matter

To have a high-handed manner; to be high-handed

To have a matter in hand

To have a new lease of life

To have a person's ear

To have a rod in pickle for someone

To have a rough passage

To have a shot at something

To have a sting in the tail

To have a sweet tooth

To have an axe to grind

To have an eye to the main chance

To have everything/all the details at one's finger-tips

To have green fingers

To have had a good innings

To have more brains in the little finger than

To have one foot in the grave

To have one's back to the wall

To have one's hands full

To have one's hands tied

To have one's head screwed on the right way (vs. He's got a screw loose)

To have one's heart in the right place

To have pins and needles

To have shot one's bolt

To have something on the brain

To have something up one's sleeve

To have something/someone on one's hands

To have the game in one's hands

To have time on one's hands

To have to put one's hand in one's pocket

To have too many irons in the fire

To have/get cold feet

To hear something (straight) from the horse's mouth

To heel over

To hide one's light under a bushel

To hit below the belt

To hit the jack-pot

To hit the mark/bull's eye

To hit the nail on the head

To hitch one's wagon to a star

To hold a candle to

To hold out the olive-branch

To hold the fort

To hold the purse strings

To hound someone

To iron out difficulties

To join battle

To jump the gun

To keep a stiff upper lip

To keep afloat

To keep an eye on

To keep at arm's length

To keep in leading strings

To keep in the background

To keep one's ear to the ground

To keep one's hand in

To keep one's head vs. to lose one's head

To keep one's head above water

To keep one's nose to the grindstone

To keep the wolf from the door

To kick the bucket

To kill the fatted calf

To know by heart

To know how many beans make five

To laugh in/up one's sleeve

To laugh on the wrong side of one's mouth

To lay by the heels

To lay it on with a trowel

To lay the blame on the right shoulders

To lay the foundations

To lay/put heads together

To lay/put one's finger on the fault/weakness

To lead a cat-and-dog life

To lead a person up the garden path

To lead by the nose

To learn by heart

To learn/know the ropes

To leave in the lurch

To leave no stone unturned

To leave one's bones

To leave to cool his heels

To lend/give a hand

To let off steam

To let slip through one's fingers

To let the cat out of the bag

To live by taking in one another's washing

To live from hand to mouth

To live on the edge of a volcano

To live on the fat of the land

To look at life through rose-coloured spectacles

To look daggers at someone

To look down one's at someone

To look to one's laurels

To lose face

To lose its sting

To lose one's heart

To lose one's shirt on a horse

To lower/strike one's flag

To make a bee-line to a place

To make a cat's-paw of someone

To make a clean breast of something

To make a clean sweep

To make a hash of something

To make a mountain out of a mole-hill

To make a stand against

To make both ends meet

To make bricks without straw

To make eyes at

To make game/sport of someone

To make hay of

To make head or tail of something

To make head/headway

To make mincemeat of an opponent

To make no bones about doing something

To make someone's life hell

To make the grade

To mean business

To miss the bus

To monkey (about) with something

To nail a lie

To nip in the bud

To nose around

To nose out secrets

To open one's mouth too wide

To overstep the mark

To paddle one's own canoe

To paint the lily

To paint the picture in glowing (sombre) colours

To paint the town red

To palm something off on someone

To pass a milestone/one stage onward

To patch up a quarrel

To pay a person out/back in his own coin

To pay lip service to principles/ideals

To pay off an old score

To pay on the nail

To pay through the nose

To pay tribute to

To perform/create/do something on a shoe string

To pick another's brains

To play a dirty trick on someone

To play a person at his own game

To play a person false

To play a trump card

To play a waiting game

To play an important part in a scheme

To play ball with a person

To play ducks and drakes with money

To play fast and loose

To play for high stakes

To play for one's own hand

To play havoc

To play into the hands of others

To play off one person against another

To play safe

To play second fiddle

To play the devil with

To play one's cards well

To plough a lonely furrow

To pocket an insult

To poke one's nose into another's business/affairs

To pour oil on troubled waters

To prick up one's ears

To proceed by slow stages

To pull in/tighten one's belt

To pull one's weight

To pull oneself up by one's shoestrings

To pull someone's leg

To pull the wool over another's eyes

To pull up one's socks

To put a bold face on a matter

To put a damper on enthusiasm/desire...

To put a fast one over on someone

To put a good face on a matter

To put a person in the picture

To put a spoke in someone's wheel

To put another's nose out of joint

To put down roots

To put heart into

To put it (an idea) into one's head

To put on one's thinking cap

To put on the dogs

To put one's best foot forward

To put one's foot down

To put one's foot in it

To put one's hand to the plough

To put one's house in order

To put one's pride in one's pocket

To put one's shirt on a horse

To put one's shoulder to the wheel

To put paid to a person's account

To put someone off his stroke

To put teeth into

To put the cart before the horse

To put the finishing touches

To put the matter in a nutshell

To put them off the scent

To put your heart (and soul) into a matter

To put/stake everything on one throw

To raise hell

To raise one's eyebrows

To raise the elbow too often

To raise/lift the roof

To reach rock bottom

To reap the benefit

To reap the fruit of

To reckon without one's host

To rest on one's oars

To retire into one's shell

To ring down the curtain

To ring the changes

To ring true vs. To ring false

To ring up the curtain on an affair

To rouse up/raise up a hornet's nest

To rub shoulders with

To rule with a heavy hand

To run in the blood

To run one's head against a brick wall

To run out of steam

To run someone to earth

To sail near the wind

To sail through with flying colours

To sail under false colours

To save one's bacon

To save one's skin

To score off a person

To screw up one's courage

To see eye to eye with another

To see how the land lies/the lie of the land

To see red

To see the light

To see which way the cat will jump

To see which way the wind is blowing

To see with half an eye

To sell down the river

To sell like hot cakes

To sell/buy for a song/an old song

To send a person to Coventry

To send the cap round

To separate the sheep from the goats

To set one's face against

To set people by the ears

To set sail

To set someone on a pedestal

To set the ball rolling

To set the wheels in motion

To settle a person's hash

To shake in one's shoes

To shake the dust of a place off one's feet

To sheathe the sword

To shell out

To shepherd a person/group of persons

To shoulder a burden/the blame

To show a clean pair of heels

To show one's face (in public)

To show one's teeth

To shuttle to and fro

To sit on the fence

To skate over thin ice

To skin a person

To smell a rat

To snap at a person

To snap/bite a person's head off

To soft-pedal

To sow one's wild oats

To sow the wind and reap the whirlwind

To speak with one's tongue in one's cheek

To spill the beans

To spin a task/a talk out

To spin money out

To stand by with folded arms

To stand one's ground

To start from scratch

To steal a march on one's enemy/rival

To steer clear of someone

To step up

To step/tread on someone's toes

To stick one's neck out

To stick to one's guns

To stretch one's legs

To strike a snag

To strike at the foundations

To strike the right note

To sugar the pill

To suit down to the ground

To swallow one's pride

To swallow the bait

To sweep people off their feet

To sweep the board

To take a hand in an affair

To take a leaf out of someone's book

To take a person down a peg

To take a person to one's heart

To take a person's measure

To take a rosy view of a situation

To take it (an idea) into one's head

To take on board an idea/suggestion...

To take one's courage in both hands

To take something to heart

To take something with a pinch/grain of salt

To take stock of a situation

To take the bit between one's teeth

To take the bull by the horns

To take the gilt off the gingerbread

To take the law into one's own hands

To take the lead Û To fall behind

To take the rough with the smooth

To take the weight off one's feet

To take the wind out of one's sails

To take the wrong turning

To take to one's heels

To take words at their face value

To take words to heart

To take/have pride of place

To talk shop

To talk turkey

To thrash a person/To give him a thrashing

To throw a person out neck and crop

To throw a plan out of gear

To throw a spanner in the works

To throw dust in another's eyes

To throw in one's hand/cards

To throw in/up the sponge

To throw reason overboard/to the winds

To throw someone to the wolves

To tie up loose ends

To toe the line

To trail one's coat

To try one's hand at something

To turn a blind eye

To turn one's back

To turn one's toes up

To turn over a new leaf

To turn someone's head

To turn the other cheek

To turn the tables upon a person

To turn to ashes in one's mouth

To turn up one's nose at something

To turn up trumps

To twist/turn the knife in the wound

To upset the apple-cart

To wait for dead men's shoes

To walk someone off his legs

To warm the cockles of a person's heart

To wash one's hands of

To weather the storm

To win another's heart

To win hands down

To wipe the floor with an opponent

To work one's passage

To work/go/do something flat out

To worm one's way into somebody's confidence

To worship the golden calf

To write something off


Under a person's thumb

Under petticoat government

Up to the eyes in work/debt

Up to the neck

We should take off our hats to such a person

What's cooking?

What's your (little) game?

Wheels within wheels

When my ship comes in

Where the shoe pinches


Will do something by fair means or foul

Will happen as sure as eggs is eggs

Willing to go through fire and water for someone

With his tail between his legs

With/by the skin of one's teeth

Won't make old bones

You can bet your boots

You should respect the cloth

You've got the wrong end of the stick

You've taken the words out of my mouth


Words are the raw material for compounds, derivatives, neologisms, metaphorical uses and so on; the same happens with proverbs and idioms. To exemplify this, here is a series of quotations consisting of paraphrases, reversals or alterations of common phrases and idioms:

A professor is one who talks in someone else's sleep. (W. H. Auden)

If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing badly. (G. K. Chesterton)

I know that's a secret, for it's whispered everywhere. (W. Congreve)

Here's the rule for bargains: ‘Do other men, for they would do you'. That's the true business precept. (Ch. Dickens)

All the modern inconveniences. (Mark Twain)

A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. (O. Wilde)

In married life three is company and two is none. (O. Wilde)

Truth is never pure, and very rarely simple. (O. Wilde)

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